Support Us

Thank you for your interest in our work

As most of our work at Pun Pun is done voluntarily and we also continue to help with other projects in Thailand voluntarily, we graciously accept any donations you are able to give to support our projects. All donations go into Pun Pun and our projects including seed saving operations, networking with villagers, and educational activities. We thank you ahead of time for supporting a national and international movement toward sustainability.

To donate from abroad:

We are happy to have the International Society for Ecology and Culture (ISEC) as our fiscal sponsor as we support similar missions and support each other’s work. “Promoting locally based alternatives to the global consumer culture.  The International Society for Ecology and Culture (ISEC) is a non-profit organisation concerned with the protection of both biological and cultural diversity. Our emphasis is on education for action: moving beyond single issues to look at the more fundamental influences that shape our lives.” For more information on the great work they do, visit

To make a tax-deductible donation to Pun Pun make checks out to: ISEC/Thousand Varieties, and write Pun Pun in the memo line of the check. (Pun Pun is Thai for Thousand Varieties so that is the name we go through for our organization in the States) and sent it to:

Local Futures USA

PO Box 36
East Hardwick, VT 05836, USA
Tel: +1 (802) 472 3505

or through their website at:

How to donate

Or through the Network for Good website at:  Network for Good will charge you an additional 5% fee.  If you want to avoid the fee you can email Victoria direclty at ISEC at  and inform how much you want to donate.  Then they will have PayPal email you a link to pay online.

To donate from within Thailand:

The easiest way to donate to Pun Pun from within Thailand is to transfer money directly into our Pun Pun account. To do so, go to any Bangkok Bank and give them our account information. You can also do it from any ATM machine in Thailand.

Account name: Jon Jandai

Account number: 458-0-51390-3

If you have any difficulty, please call the farm phone at 081.470.1461

Thanks again.